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5 Benefits of Going on a Student Exchange Program

5 Benefits of Going on a Student Exchange Program

it could represent an exciting adventure with introduction to new people, encounter to new things and some terrifying culture clashes. Yet, such an international program has been proved to be far more beneficial beyond a mere long stay abroad for the student’s growth in both personality and intellect. Here are five of those benefits:

  1. Improving language skills

Since language acquisition is achieved through practical immersion, for a foreign language learner, there is no better place to improve his or her competence than the countries in which the native speaks the language. When you are learning a language (for example, English), you will not only pick up grammar and vocabulary but also idioms, accents and context of that language. For sure, practice makes perfect, and a Student Exchange Program is a perfect way to master the language. Also, you also can have the opportunity to pick up another language if your study destination is a melting pot.

  1. Global exposure

On a Student Exchange Program, you are likely to make many friends from around the world and many different backgrounds – some of whom might become lifelong friends. They will give you access to explore various cultures and thus enhance your understanding of the world, something which benefits you for the rest of your life and prevents you from bias and prejudice. Further on, experiencing different academic communities may be great for you to improve your academic skills.

  1. More independence and adjustability

Like mentioned earlier, a Student Exchange Program can be a terrifying experience. It is probably the first time for you to travel alone. You have to learn to be smart with your allowance, and you will miss your mother’s cooking, But, in return, you gain the skills which allows you grow more independent and adjustable. These will be very useful later in life in both your further education and career, particularly in a foreign county again.

  1. More employment opportunities

Research among European students who took part in the Erasmus International Exchange found that students in the program had increased their employment by 42% compared to those who haven’t taken part in any kind of international exchange.

Modern-day employers put high value on qualities such as adaptability, cultural awareness, tolerance and transversal skills—no to mention that you already have a global network made of international friends.

  1. Trips to nearby countries

If you are an active traveler, you are likely to kill two birds with one stone if you are going on a student exchange program. If you are studying in the US, it will not be difficult to visit Canada or Mexico. It’s a great opportunity to see parts of the world you might not have otherwise visited and the experience can teach you a lot about different cultures.