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ICES Cambodia’s Amra Chamroeun Speaks on Her First Sport Achievement in the U.S.

សិស្សផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សារបស់អាយស៊ីអ៊ីអេស (ខេមបូឌា) ចំរើន អមរា រៀបរាប់ពីការសម្រេចភាពជោគជ័យលើក​ដំបូងក្នុង​ការ​លេងកីឡានៅសហរដ្ឋ​អាមេរិក

On December 3rd, Foyil Varsity Basketball Team aka “Lady Panthers”, the girl’s basketball team from Foyil High School Claremore, Oklahoma was playing against the Copan High School in a non-conference game. All players were doing their best to win the game, with double dribbles and triple-doubles. With ranking in the Copan Classic Shoot Out 2021 […]

ICES Cambodia Exchange Students Explore Thanksgiving in the U.S.

សិស្សផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សារបស់ អាយស៊ីអ៊ីអេស (ខេមបូឌា) ចែករម្លែក​ពីការចូលរួមក្នុងទិវានៃការដឹងគុណ (Thanksgiving) នៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក

While Christmas and Independence Day is held in the U.S. as the biggest holidays of the years, no national celebration is considered as American as the one that stands between them: Thanksgiving.  Commemorated on the 4th Thursday of November, Thanksgiving, a national holiday honoring the early settlers and Native Americans who came together to have […]

Studying at an American Public High School: The Ideal Option for Exchange Students

ការសិក្សានៅសាលារដ្ឋក្នុងសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក គឺជាជម្រើសដ៏ល្អសម្រាប់សិស្សផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សា

Private school vs public school is an age-old debate in the US. Parents leaning in the direction of private education have to ask themselves if the benefits of private school are worth the high cost. While public schools in the States are far from perfect, they are different from how they are usually perceived in […]

ICES Exchange Student Share about American Diet

កម្មវិធីផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សា ICES បានចែករំលែកការបន្ស៊ាំជាមួយអាហារអាមេរិក

While food is a huge part of cultural exchange, one thing that almost all international exchange students have in common is missing their mothers’ cooking not long after their arrival in the study destinations. Different students from different countries have different ways to deal with the challenges. For example, America, a melting pot of different […]

ICES’s Reacheany Speaks on Homecoming Tradition in American High School

សិស្សផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សាតាមរយៈ ICES Cambodia ពិពណ៌នាអំពីពិធី « Homecoming» នៅវិទ្យាល័យអាមេរិក

A long-standing tradition in American high schools is celebrating Homecoming to welcome alumni, current students and teachers back to campus. Every high school has its own Homecoming traditions and can mean a lot of different things. Yet, it generally presents an opportunity for school alumni to visit their old stomping grounds, to see old friends, […]

ICES Exchange Students hold forth Athletics in American Schools

សិស្សផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សាតាមរយៈ ICES រៀបរាប់ពីសារៈសំខាននៃអត្តពលកម្មនៅសាលារៀនអាមេរិក

Over one year ago, Chihok Guay, a student from Aii Language Center and American Intercon School, still had a physique of a young boy. Back then, no one could have expected that 10 months in the US would have such an impact on the 16-year-old’s growth.  After going on an exchange year in the US […]

Get “Financial Smart” by Going on an Exchange Program

ការទទួលបាន «ភាពវៃឆ្លាតផ្នែកហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ» តាមរយៈកម្មវិធីផ្លាស់ប្តូរការសិក្សា

One skill that should never be overlooked, whether in work or personal life, is financial literacy.  To put this concept in layman’s terms, this kind of ‘’literacy” is what compels individuals to save for retirement, invest for the future and avoid getting into debt. No doubt it is a qualification to help people survive in […]

ICES’s Amra Chamroeun found her place at an American School

យុវតី ចំរើន​ អមរា រកឃើញជីវិត​ថ្មី​ដ៏ល្អ​នៅ​វិទ្យាល័យ​អាមេរិកតាមរយៈ ICES Cambodia

Not everyone can remember their first day at school- let alone the mixed feeling felt by their young selves when they took their first step into the classroom and were greeted by their teacher and new friends. Yet, Amra Chamroen, an 11th grader from Cambodia who is now attending a high school exchange program in the United […]

Understanding ICES Cambodia: Students’ Portal to the Outside World

ស្វែងយល់ពី ICES Cambodia ជាស្ពានចម្លងសិស្សទៅស្គាល់ពិភពខាងក្រៅ

While International Cultural Exchange Services (ICES), an international student academic and exchange organization, for 30 years have been dedicated to promoting international awareness and cultural understanding and headquartered in the US, its branch ICES Cambodia has only been in the Kingdom for just about two years.  However, the speed at which ICES Cambodia’s popularity is […]